2015 in Review: Floralife Product News

Floralife_Logo_prod newsThe Floralife Flower Focus blog highlights best practices in flower care and handling including hydration, cut flower preparation, flower trends, and natural resource conservation. We also like to highlight the many Floralife products that help you do all those things better. Let’s look back at some 2015 product news that made headlines in our Floralife Flower Focus blog.

Floralife eZ Dose® Makes Procona Dosing E-Z!: The Procona is a popular shipping and storage device for cut flowers, and uniformity of shape and size is a big reason for that. Floralife believes that this ease of use should extend to the flower food that goes into the Procona. And nothing says “ease” like eZ Dose®! Fast-dissolving Clear 200 eZ Dose® is a convenient holding and shipping treatment that comes in dosages designed for popular bucket sizes. Its packet’s micro-perforated holes allow water to penetrate quickly and dissolve the flower food powder once it hits the water.

Floralife Express Technology Saves Time & Effort: Would you like to save time and effort when processing roses? Who wouldn’t, right? Where would this these time savings start? How about recutting stems? We know that recutting is an important step to eliminate the blockages that occur naturally at the base of a cut stem, and helps the flower to hydrate more efficiently. Well, Floralife has a new development, Express Technology, which eliminates the need to recut rose stems!

Know Your Finishing Spray: Floralife offers three high-quality finishing sprays for the floral professional – Floralife® Finishing Touch, Floralife® Clear Crowning Glory® and Floralife® Leafshine. Of course, when there are three of anything, it can sometimes be unclear as to which finishing spray to use when. Or, you may assume that one product will do the job in any situation. So, let’s unlock the mystery together, shall we?

Scent Free Leafshine: the Nose Knows!” Scent sensitivity is a real thing. Sometimes, a scent is simply displeasing. Other times, it triggers reactions in people, from headaches to rashes. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, there are at least 5,000 fragrances in use in modern products. Maybe we could stand to lose a few? That’s what Floralife customers said, and we responded with new Scent-free Leafshine!

Floralife’s Water Wise Promotes Sustainability: Floralife® Water Wise is a global sustainability program which includes product, protocol and process that promote water conservation, labor savings and solutions savings for the Floralife customer who uses Water Wise products. We offer Water Wise products for Hydration, Storage and Transport, and Feeding.

Floralife Flower Food “Best Overall”: Respected home improvement magazine Fine Gardening asked the question, “What Makes Flowers Last Longer?” So they, in conjunction with The University of North Carolina, tested 6 additives against plain water. In the end, the choice was clear: Floralife flower foods were best!

Stay tuned in 2016 as Floralife brings you news of even more flower care product innovations! Happy New Year from Floralife!