Floralife eZ Dose® Makes Procona Dosing E-Z!

procona EZ dose 2Today, many floral professionals throughout the flower chain use reusable shipping boxes known as Proconas to get their merchandise from the farm to the retailer. The Procona comes in a set of standard sizes, which makes it an ideal application for Floralife’s holding and shipping treatment delivery system: eZ Dose®!

For those who are unfamiliar with the Procona, a little background. The name stands for “from PROducer to CONsumer in Aqua.” It is a stackable, reusable method of flower transport. It protects the flowers, holds water and flower food solution and is designed to allow the flow of cold air throughout a pallet load of product.

Now, Proconas aren’t the only game in town, but a lot of growers, wholesalers, transporters and retailers swear by them. Among other things, they appreciate the Procona’s uniformity and standardization.

Floralife believes that this ease and simplicity should extend to the flower food that goes into the Procona. And nothing says “ease” like eZ Dose®!

Fast-dissolving Clear 200 eZ Dose® is a convenient holding and shipping treatment. It comes in a micro-perforated packet you can drop into a clean flower bucket without having to tear the packet open for use.

eZ Dose® comes in dosages designed for popular bucket sizes. In the case of the Procona, the most widely used size is the 1-gallon. For these, Floralife recommends the 3-quart, or ¾-gallon dose.

The eZ Dose® packet’s micro-perforated holes allow water to penetrate quickly and dissolve the flower food powder once it hits the water. The fast dissolving patented technology of the packet ensures quick mixing of the contents throughout the entire bucket of water.

How quickly? In a room temperature test comparison, eZ Dose® dissolved in about 38 seconds, compared to 3 minutes for the competition.

Additionally, eZ Dose® gives the water a brightly-colored tint, so you always know when it’s present.

Finally, eZ Dose® drains away easily and completely. It won’t clog the drain, like some competitors.                                                                                 

Be sure to check out the eZ Dose® section of our website to learn more. You can also click here to learn more about the Procona.

How about you? Do you use Proconas? How about eZ Dose®? How have they worked out for you? Let us know in the comment section below!