Going ‘Greens’ at Christmas
Whether it’s your mom’s turkey or your Christmas floral arrangements, nobody likes DRY. While Floralife® can’t help you with your culinary conundrums, we CAN help when it comes to Holiday Hydration, specifically for the season’s hottest accessory: Christmas evergreens. That’s the topic of our latest piece for Florists’ Review: Caring for Christmas Greens.

Christmas Greens Care & Handling
Here are some highlights of the care and handling tips and tricks that will keep your Christmas greens and trees healthy enough to ring in the New Year.
Think fresh. For the best look, fragrance and staying power, try to buy fresh greens. That means local suppliers and buying “just in time.”
Keep them cool. If you DO have to buy early, know that cut greens can last in dry storage for several weeks, IF you keep them at the right temperature and humidity. As always, read the article!
Keep trees hydrated. The article discusses the leading cause of needle drop and gives some detailed tips for avoiding it.
Play defense. Hydration and protection sprays, such as FLORALIFE® Crowning Glory®, Finishing Touch, and HydroSpray help prevent water loss through transpiration. Ask your wholesaler!
Mist often. ABM = Always Be Misting! BUT… if your designs include cut flowers, avoid misting the blooms, or moisture can collect and lead to botrytis. Warn your customers, too!
Environment is everything. Still on the hydration tip… they may be less delicate than their floral cousins, but when it comes to extreme heat, cold, and drafts, your evergreens would Rather Not. Pay attention to where you display them, and pass the warning along to your customer.
Notes on Lighting: We discuss indoor vs. outdoor, direct sun vs. indirect, incandescent vs. LED, and Candles: Yes or No?

Bonus Christmas Greens Wisdom
- Holly foliage, holly berries and Balsam Fir are great as accents, but they are ethylene sensitive!
- For our grocery friends, the familiar caution about storing near ripening produce. Again, ethylene!
- Further protection against needle and berry drop? An immediate hydration solution!
With these handy Christmas Greens tips and tricks, you’re ready to Deck the Halls without hesitation. Again, be sure to read the original piece in Florists’ Review for further detail (page 21!) And if you still have questions on how to care for Christmas greens visit floralife.com.