How to process dry packed flowers for storage or display:
1. Start with a clean bucket or container, sanitized with a floral cleaner.

2. Fill buckets or container with cool water mixed with flower food solution (for storage and transport or display) according to manufacturer’s recommendation.
Do not put flowers directly into metal/galvanized buckets. Use clean, good quality water and do not use water that has been treated with a water softener as the salt levels can be damaging to flowers. Use a dosing unit that is properly calibrated, or hand mix the solution according to label instructions.

3. Remove any foliage that would fall below the solution level.

4. Re-cut stems approximately 1” (2.5cm) using clean and sanitized clippers or knife.
Use FloraLife® Quick Dip to jump-start hydration and ensure free-flowing stems.

5. Immediately place flowers in previously prepared container.

6. Store is a 34 – 38F (1 – 3C) cooler.

7. Allow minimum 2 hours to hydrate placing buckets in an area with good airflow.

8. Always avoid getting water on blooms.

9. Check water levels daily.
Add water with flower food solution as needed.

10. Avoid displaying nearing extreme heat, cold, draft, ripening fruit or vegetables.

11. Rotate flowers.
Always remember FIFO (first in first out) when doing so.