Do Good. Every Day.
It has never been as important as it is today to track and reduce our footprint on the planet. Growing, processing and distributing flowers use many resources to guarantee that high quality, beautiful fresh cut flowers reach the hands of consumers. At FloraLife, we have focused our sustainability plan on 5 key commitments to reduce our impact on the planet and help all our partners, big and small, reduce theirs too. The 5 commitments are climate change, water stewardship, product portfolio, sustainable packaging and stakeholder awareness.
Floral industry waste impacts almost all areas of sustainability. Putting measures in place to reduce it should be top of mind. Every stem requires land to grow, water to hydrate, products to treat, energy to cool, packaging to protect, fuel to ship and lots of labor. When a flower does not make it to the end consumer, it is not only the flower that is wasted. It is also all the resources that went into growing, packaging, protecting and shipping it through the long chain. Having the proper flower care and handling protocols in place not only ensures that you put top quality flowers in the hands of consumers, but it also can significantly reduce waste which in turn reduces your footprint on the planet.
Together, we can make a bigger difference!