Statice: An Easter Treat!
LivRio Magazine March 2024, powered by FloraLife

Belonging to the family Plumbaginaceae, and specifically the genius Limonium, statice is a delightful filler flower which grows in a range of hues.
There are about 600 different species of Limonium, but the ones grown for cut flower production are Limonium sinuatum, which is the one we know as statice, and Limonium latifolium which has a wispier appearance, and is simply known by its genus name, Limonium.
Contrary to popular belief, the flowers are not the colorful parts on a stem of statice, but rather it is the showy calyx which provide the color, and which persist long after the actual flower has faded. This physiological trait is why Statice is often called the everlasting flower, and why it’s a popular addition to dried flower arrangements too. However, if you look carefully at a fresh stem, you may be able to see the small white flowers which sit on top of the calyx.
Statice is available in a wide range of colors from deep purple to pale yellow, making it the perfect filler flower for Easter arrangements. As it’s available year-round, it’ll be guaranteed to be in season no matter when Easter falls on the calendar.
So, no need to go hunting. If you’re looking for a dash of color to add to your arrangements this Easter, be sure to keep an assortment of statice at hand.
Care and Handling Information
What to look for when purchasing
- Statice should be harvested when approximately 50-70% of the bracts are open or showing color.
- When purchasing, avoid stems with discolored and yellow foliage, fungus (botrytis), dehydration, and/or underweight bunches.
Shipping and Storage
- Shipping and storage temperatures should be 34 – 38° F.
- It is preferable to ship Statice dry pack due to being susceptible to Botrytis. Avoid temperature fluctuations during shipping and storage.
Re-hydration at Store Level
- Store flowers dry at 34 to 38F (1-3C) for as long as possible (until flowers are needed for wet case display at store/wholesale level).
- Start processing with a clean bucket, sanitized with FloraLife® D.C.D.® Cleaner.
- If received dry packed, conditioning of stem ends is recommended to prevent blockage and promote uptake. Cut approximately 1” or more off stems. Use clean, sanitized clippers or knife, and treat with FloraLife® Quick Dip.
- Place flowers in a flower food holding solution such as FloraLife® Express 200. Do not put flowers directly in metal/galvanized buckets. Use clean, high-quality water that has not been treated with a water softener.
- Store in a cooler at 34 – 38° F.
- Allow minimum 2 hours to hydrate placing buckets in an area with good airflow.
- Always remember FIFO (first in/first out) when rotating Roses or any other flowers.
Vase Care
- Remove any leaves that might be below the vase solution.
- If received dry, cut approximately 1” or more off stems. Use clean, sanitized clippers or knife, and treat with FloraLife® Quick Dip.
- Immediately place flowers in properly dosed vase solutions (Flower Food and water) containing FloraLife Crystal Clear® (the perfect solution for clear vases), or FloraLife® Express 300 (the no-cut premium solution).
Common Defects
Leaf & stem yellowing and botrytis infection (gray mold) are common problems.
- Unpack boxes immediately upon receipt to allow bunches to air out, especially if bunches are sleeved. If not unpacked, condensation around the flowers may result in flower rotting and shattering, especially towards the center of the bunch.
- Never overstuff buckets as this product molds immediately without air circulation. Use transport sheets during transport.
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*Product availability depends upon geographical region.
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