Common Flower Problems: Prevention is Key
Flower problems caused by disease, growing conditions, or handling are a profit killer! In the floral industry, you need a full complement of flowers in the best condition possible; flowers with diseases can ruin your business quickly! Recognizing and avoiding common flower maladies is the subject of the latest FLORALIFE® article in Canadian Florist entitled, aptly enough, “Preventing Common Flower Problems.”
Let’s take a brief look at these maladies, problems, and ailments, shall we? And, as always, you’ll find more complete info at the original piece…

Common Flower Problems
Botrytis: Botrytis is a common fungus that’s often dormant, but can be activated by:
- Improper Humidity
- Improper Cold Chain
- Contagion from Other Flowers
- Physical Damage
- Ethylene Damage
…which can lead to symptoms like tissue damage and rot. Speaking of improper humidity, floral shipping boxes are a prime culprit. Here’s a hint: use Floralife® Transport Paper!
Black Edges on Roses: You want to experience a grouchy Valentine’s Day? Try selling or giving red roses “accented” with black edges! High UV exposure (too much sun) during the growing season, along with temperature fluctuations during growing, transport or storage are the culprits. No quick fix here; other than minding temps in your shop, you must work with your supply chain to ensure that proper conditions and handling occur up and down the line!

Ethylene: A flower killer and a big pain for the retailer, as it’s practically everywhere! Even small doses can cause a world of hurt, so we give you tips such as proper temperature and avoiding proximity to many known sources of ethylene. And, of course EthyBloc™ Technology is an effective ethylene fighting tool you can use to combat this scourge!
Physical Damage: We sometimes touch or rub the blooms, or they rub against the cardboard box during shipping, among other causes. Further, damaged, compromise blooms are more susceptible to secondary ailments such as Botrytis. FLORALIFE® gives you some solid, “handle with care” advice for avoiding these issues!

Healthier Flowers AND Profits by FLORALIFE®!
With the right tools and preventive measures, you can help avoid these common flower problems; healthier blooms and profits can be yours! Be sure to read the original Canadian Florist article (or link HERE) for much more detail. Then browse the FLORALIFE® website for more flower tools and tips!