Care and Handling Videos for Floral Pros and Enthusiasts
“Floralife knows that proper care and handling will give you the freshest, healthiest and longest lasting cut flowers.” That’s the opening line of each of Floralife’s recent care and handling videos on YouTube. These videos provide good, basic information on floral care and handling, as well as useful Floralife products to help you get the job done.
Hosted by Christy Carter, Floralife Research and Development Technician, these brief presentations cover the following topics. Click on the titles to watch the videos!
Floralife’s 5 Steps of Fresh for Flower Care
This customer-focused care and handling video will help you get the most life and enjoyment from your flowers. When processing your flowers, be sure to follow the 5 Steps of Fresh — Sanitize, Hydrate, Nourish, Protect, and Customer Care.
Floralife’s “Disinfect Clean Deodorize” (D.C.D.)
Bacteria, yeast and mold are waiting to pounce in the floral workshop, contaminating your stems and decreasing vase life. Having a clean work area and tools prevents contamination, that’s why it is important to have D.C.D. in your shop.
Floralife’s Importance of Proper Dosing in Flower Care
Are you properly dosing your flower food solution? Proper care and handling will help ensure that you get your maximum flower longevity. Under dosing with your flower food solution is just as bad as overdosing flower food solution.
Floralife’s 3 Steps of Fresh Kit for the Flower Enthusiast
Floralife’s Quick Dip keeps stems open, Flower Food provides the nourishment, and Finishing Touch helps lock in moisture. Previously available separately, these useful tools are now available as a kit!
Hydrating Flowers with Floralife® Quick Dip and Flower Food for Flower Care
Retailers: are you properly processing the flowers when they come into your shop or business? Do you want to bring back life to your transport stressed flowers when they arrive in your shop? Wet pack or dry pack, we show you how to do this with Floralife® Quick Dip and flower food.
Hopefully, you found some useful info in these videos. We sure had fun making them! While you’re there, we have plenty of other Floralife videos for you to watch, as well as several pieces by our sister company Oasis Floral Products. Do you have any ideas for new video topics? Let us know in the comments section!