Fragile, Fragrant Freesia

Delicate in appearance but with a prominent citrusy fragrance, Freesia presents the sort of contrast that floral pros and enthusiasts adore. Whether you are selling or giving (or keeping for yourself!) this African beauty, proper care and handling is essential. That’s the topic of our latest article for LivRio, “Freesia: A Fragrant Delight!”

Discovered in the 1860s, Freesia first appeared in white and yellow. “Today, typically produce florets in shades of white, yellow, pink and purple. Breeders have worked to increase this color palette and add interesting variation without loss of fragrance, as well as flowers with double corollas. Due to their paper-thin petals, Freesias can be difficult to grow in many gardens, but they are ideal for greenhouse production and are now largely available year-round. And they are a firm favorite for the bridal bouquet!”

Freesia Care and Handling Tips from FLORALIFE®

  • PURCHASING: Be sure to choose stems with the first bud almost fully developed, but not open, and the remaining buds showing color.
  • HYDRATION: As always, hydration begins with proper sanitation using
    D.C.D.® Cleaner . Stem trimming, foliage removal, and maintaining a proper temperature for your hydration solution (Floralife® HydraFlor® 100, of course!)
  • SHIPPING AND STORAGE: We discuss recommended temperatures, and a caution that you should ALWAYS ship and store WET. 
  • RE-HYDRATION AT STORE LEVEL AND STORAGE: Proper sanitation again, and conditioning of stems with Floralife® Quick Dip. A discussion of stock rotation, water quality, and a recommendation to use a holding treatment such as Floralife® Express 200.
  • VASE CARE:  More stem trimming, foliage removal and Floralife® Quick Dip, followed by Floralife® Clear 300, or Floralife® Express 300.  Also a discussion of when to keep –and when to remove – the protective packaging.
  • COMMON DEFECTS and SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS: Freesia are vulnerable to operator error and natural dangers such as improper cut stage, ethylene exposure, fluoride sensitivity, and dry shipping and handling. Read the article for more info.

And those are your Freesia highlights! So, if you are “innocent, thoughtful, trustworthy, friendly, and sweet” – like our lovely friend Freesia –  take the time and read this month’s LivRio (page 23!) for all the important care and handling tips, won’t you?