Reduced plastic usage EthylBloc™ Truck Kit
As part of the FloraLife Sustainability Plan 2025, we have been looking at our product line’s packaging with magnifying glasses and have been making changes wherever possible. Plastic usage across our full global product range has been a big focus area of improvement. Following the reduce, reuse and recycle
principles, we are pleased to announce that we have been able to reduce our plastic usage for our North American EthylBloc™ Truck Kit product by 10.11% and reduced emissions from freight by 20%. This is an immediate improvement. There is no change to the use instruction or great efficacy you have
been relying on. Learn more about the FloraLife 2025 Sustainability Plan at:

As inventory switches over current orders will automatically switch over to the new item code. No action needed by customers.

*Product availability depends upon geographical region. Check for more information.