PROMO American Grown Flowers month

If you are a Certified American Grown grower and you want to help us educate the flower industry, this message is for you! July is American Grown Flowers month. In honor of this event, FloraLife is running a promo: Buy 10 cases of Certified American Grown Flower Food packets and get 2 cases free!
We can all agree that an educated consumer is a repeat purchaser, and a growing educated consumer base means a growing flower industry!
Certified American Grown partners with FloraLife to educate consumers about flowers and to offer an American made educational flower food packet program to a Certified American Grown floral industry. That could seem like a daunting task if we didn’t already have THE perfect vehicle for reaching consumers! Utilizing the flower food packet asset space as a mini billboard, we can educate consumers in a fun and engaging way with each bunch of flowers.
The purpose is to engage consumers in their floral purchases and impart some good care and handling tips, as well as fun facts about flowers – all in the hopes of providing education with each bunch of flowers.
Every box offers 30 to 40 different educational messages on the flower food packets, centered around three main themes: care and handling, flower meaning, and flower fun facts. The messages are short, sweet, and best of all, written in simple terms so most importantly, to the point and easy to understand.
Filled with the FloraLife® Express Technology, your Certified American Grown Flower Food for Thought packets are the most premium kind available on the market to ensure that your flowers last the longest possible once they reach the consumer’s home. This is your best insurance policy to insure continued care and long vase life. All packets are produced in the USA. Did you know… FloraLife invented flower food in 1938?
For more information, check To place an order, contact customer service at 800.323.3689 or [email protected]