Both FloraLife® D.C.D.® and FloraLife® MicroBLOC® Disinfectant products can be used on food contact surfaces

Both FloraLife® D.C.D.® and FloraLife® MicroBLOC® Disinfectant products can be used on food contact surfaces. These include: food processing areas, restaurant counters and tables, company cafeterias, microwaves, eating room tables, break rooms, and many more.
How to disinfect food processing premises with FloraLife® D.C.D.®?
Before using this product, food products and packaging materials must be removed from the area or carefully protected. For floors, walls, and storage areas, add 2 ounces of FloraLife® D.C.D.® per gallon of water. For heavily soiled areas, a pre-cleaning step is required. Apply solution with a mop, cloth, sponge, hand pump trigger sprayer or low pressure coarse sprayer so as to wet all surfaces thoroughly. Allow to remain wet for 10 minutes, then remove excess liquid. After use, all surfaces in the area must be thoroughly rinsed with potable water.
How to disinfect food service establishment food contact surfaces with FloraLife® D.C.D.®?
Before using the product, food products and packaging materials must be removed from the area or carefully protected. For countertops, appliances, labels, add 2 ounces of FloraLife® D.C.D.® per gallon of water. For heavily soiled areas, a pre-cleaning step is required. Apply solution with a cloth, sponge, hand pump trigger sprayer or low pressure coarse sprayer so as to wet all surfaces thoroughly. Allow the surface to remain wet for 10 minutes, then remove excess liquid and rinse the surface with potable water. This product cannot be used to clean the following food contact surfaces: utensils, glassware and dishes.
How to disinfect food processing plants and premises, food service establishments and food storage areas and equipment with FloraLife® MicroBLOC®?
- Pre-Clean heavily soiled areas.
- Apply use solution of 1oz. of this product per gallon of water to disinfect hard, non-porous surfaces with a sponge, brush, cloth, mop, by immersion, auto scrubber, mechanical spray device, hand pump, or trigger spray device. For spray applications, spray 6-8 inches from surface. Do not breath spray.
- Treated surfaces must remain wet for 10 minutes.
- Wipe dry with a clean cloth or allow to air dry. Rinsing of floors is not necessary unless they are to be waxed or polished.
- When disinfecting food contact surfaces used for food preparation, rinse surfaces thoroughly with potablel water. This product must not be used to clean the following surfaces: utensils, glassware, dishes or interior surfaces of processing equipment.
Note: All food contact surfaces such as appliances and kitchen countertops must be rinsed with potable water after treatment. Do not use this product to clean or disinfect glassware, utensils, dishes or interior surfaces of appliances.
For more information, contact your FloraLife representative.
*Products only available in North America