The Successful Designer Knows the Rose!

As you know, roses come in a variety of shapes and sizes and in a rainbow of colors. For the floral designer, this is part of the fun of working with the rose but it can also be a challenge. Becoming familiar with rose traits such as opening speed, petal count, and cut stage is part of the skill set of a successful designer. And it’s one great way to make sure your roses are “Open for Business,” which happens to be the title of our latest article for Floriology!

“There are many varieties of roses, and no two, even within the same variety, are ever the same. Every stem is distinctive and beautiful in its own way and each and every rose variety performs differently. Becoming familiar with how specific rose varieties bloom will help you select which roses you should purchase based on their traits and how they will serve your specific design needs.”

That’s the challenge, and Floralife is here to impart some rose wisdom to help you achieve design success. Here are the highlights on roses and how they bloom!

1. Opening (aperture) speed:  An open rose is not necessarily an old rose. Roses open at different speeds, open to differing degrees, and last for different durations. As long as you don’t see falling petals, bent neck, or dried foliage, that rose is a keeper!

2. Petal Count:  Another rose variable. In general, higher petal counts = slower opening roses; fewer petals = a faster full bloom that lasts longer. Got a big event coming up quickly? Which rose should you source? When in doubt, ask your supplier!

 3. Cut Stage:  Rose breeders and growers strive to determine the optimum cut stage for each variety, based on packing and vase life test performance results. Some perform better when harvested with a slightly more open cut.  However, some are harvested with a too-tight point; these “bullets” may never open, which could be disappointing for the recipient.

Know the Signs of Rose Readiness

Getting familiar with varieties, how they bloom, and what to expect has several benefits. First, you can avoid excessive flower waste by recognizing when a rose is spent vs. when it has more useful life. This, in turn, can help you keep a more reliable supply of stems on hand. Finally, with your new rose knowledge, you are an even more valuable resource to your customer, providing an extra value-added floral experience. And that can definitely help keep your shop “Open for Business!”

Floralife wishes all of our floral partners a very Prosperous and Happy Valentine’s Day! Be sure to read the whole piece at Floriology and, to learn more about best practices from the experts in flower care, visit