Flowering Branches: Something Different this Spring
What makes spring flowering branches an interesting wedding alternative? A touch of the unexpected! “As another spring wedding season dawns, floral designers everywhere look forward to doing a brisk business and perhaps even stretching their creative muscles. And, like any entrepreneur, they also hope to stand out from the crowd and differentiate themselves from their competition.”
That’s the enticing opening for an upcoming article we penned for Floral Management entitled “Woodsy Alternatives For Wedding Season.”

Today’s media savvy brides read a lot of magazines and watch a lot of lifestyle shows on cable TV. They have tons of ideas and they want their wedding to be DIFFERENT. And good floral designers love a challenge! But what’s out there? “There is a floral alternative at hand that may fulfill both of these wishes, possibly growing in their own back yard: spring flowering branches. Perhaps not ideal for use in bouquets, these branches can provide an alternative springtime floral accent to centerpieces and room décor.”

Flowering Branches: Abundant in Season and Cost-effective
In the article, we run down the list of some potential flowering branch choices, including Acacia, Apple, Camellia, Cherry, Deutzia, Hydrangea, Lilac, Leonotis, Quince, Rhododendron, Spirea, Witch Hazel, and many more!
These are commonly available across the Northern Hemisphere in early spring. So common, they might be in your back yard!
Depending on the variety, there is a wide selection of colors to choose from.

Floralife® Care and Handling Tips
For the designer who would like to try his or her hand at flowering branches, Floralife® then offers some useful care and handling tips, including advice on:
- Harvesting
- Hydration and feeding
- Sanitation
- Storage, and
- Coaxing the flowers to their fullest in time for the big event.

In conclusion:
Spring flowering branches provide an opportunity for the floral designer. They can be a value-added proposition for your business, something beyond the typical floral offering – and one that costs very little for you to acquire. If you are in an area these branches and shrubs grow wild, you can easily harvest them at a fraction of the cost of roses or orchids.
Be sure to check out the original article in Floral Management. And ENJOY YOUR SPRING!