Mother’s Day Fun Facts!

mother's dayTrivia time! Mother’s Day is right around the corner, with most countries, including North America and much of Europe celebrating on the second Sunday in May. So, just for fun, we pulled together some fun Mother’s Day trivia to share with our friends in North America and the EU. Enjoy!

How Mother’s Day began:

The first Mother’s Day was organized by Anna Jarvis on May 10, 1908, in Grafton, West Virginia, and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.  It was such a success across the country that Jarvis asked the US Congress to set aside a day to honor mothers – which they did in 1914!

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Global: How much do we spend on Mother’s Day?

The Netherlands € 15 $ 18
Germany € 23 $ 27
Spain € 25 $ 30
France € 52 $ 62
Australia € 38 $ 45
Brazil € 110 $ 130


Meanwhile, in the US:

Total number of moms in the U.S. 85.4 million
Total number of florists in the US 13,000+
Total amount of money spent on FLOWERS on mother’s day $1.9 billion € 1.6 billion
The average amount American spend on mom for Mother’s Day $168.94 € 142.00

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EU Moms!

  • There are 65 million households with children in the EU.
  • The country with the highest percentage of households with children is IRELAND with 41%!
  • EU moms say that the “ideal” decade in which to be a mother is “Right Now,” with “the Eighties” coming in second place.


What do flowers symbolize?

  • Red Rose: romance
  • Pink Rose: gratitude and
  • Yellow Rose: friendship
  • Tulips: comfort and happiness
  • Lily: motherhood
  • Lisianthus: gratitude
  • Gerbera: cheer

And that’s the fun Mother’s Day trivia for 2018. To all the moms, enjoy your special day. And to all our friends in the floral business, no matter what segment, Floralife hopes you have a great, busy and PROFITABLE holiday!

Sources: US Census,,,,,