Floralife Flower Care Basics
That bouquet of fresh cut flowers you just brought home is a joy that you want to last as long as it can. There are some simple steps you can take, and some very useful products from Floralife, to extend the life and beauty of your cut flowers.
First, sanitize: Give your flowers a proper start with a clean work area. Mix a solution of Floralife D.C.D. Cleaner in a spray bottle or cleaning bucket, and clean your table, vase and utensils.
Mix your flower food solution. Floralife Crystal Clear, in powder or liquid, is an excellent choice to use in your clear vases to help prevent cloudiness.
Knowing exactly how much flower food to add to your water, or “dosing,” is very important. Too little solution is ineffective. Too much solution can be toxic to your flowers. Every Floralife product comes with specific dosing directions. Also, make some extra solution so that you can replenish the vase for the life of your bouquet.
Prepare your flowers: Cut one to three inches from the bottom of the stem. Then remove any foliage that will rest under the level of your solution. Foliage will decay and make the solution cloudy if left on the stem.
Hydrate your flowers: Take your freshly cut stems and briefly dip them in Floralife Quick Dip. This will unclog the stem cells and improve the flower’s food uptake.
Place your bouquet in the flower food solution, and replenish the solution as needed.
Then, place your bouquet somewhere without direct sunlight and drafts – either too hot or too cold.
That’s it! You can extend the life and freshness of your cut flowers with a few tips and the right products, and Floralife is here to help. Take some time and check out the Flower Care section of our website!
For more care and handling tips, check out our YouTube page.